Dr. Tara Bisogna is a first generation chiropractor in her family. After graduating Life University College of Chiropractic in 2010, she moved to South Carolina. Where she was practicing in a private practice as well as working at the local hospital as an autopsy technician, until she relocated to Italy in 2018.
Dr. Bisogna uses a combination of Chiropractic techniques that she feels are best for each patient, based upon their unique needs. She utilizes manual manipulations, as well as Thompson drop table technique and instrument aided adjusting using the “Activator” instrument and Cox Flexion Distraction.
Dr. Bisogna has pursued extensive postgraduate studies:
- Activator Methods and is certified as an Advanced Proficiency Rated Doctor.
- Certified In Dry Needling from the Dry Needling Institute, She also assists with teaching this technique.
- CVCP Certification using Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation (VOM).
- CFMP Certification in Functional Medicine Practitioner.
- Certification in Auriculotherapy from the American College of Addictionology and Compulsive Disorders.
- Master Herbalist Certification in Herbal Medicine.
- Diploma in Horse Breeding and Genetics.
- Diploma in Vedic Astrology.
- Diploma in Medical Astrology in Herbalism.
- Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicine.
- Certificato di Master in Iridologia.
- Certificato in Naturopatia.

Dr. Bisogna was on the S.C. Chiropractic Association Board of Directors as well as District 7 Director for Several Years. Dr. Bisogna was a State Representative, LifeForce 100 Doctor, PEAK Extension Faculty Teaching Doctor And a member of the President’s Circle for Life University College of Chiropractic. She has also been involved with the Activator technique throughout her studies at Life University. She even acted as President of the Activator Club at Life University, until she resigned to focus on her studies for graduation. Dr. Bisogna tested with activator methods and was advanced proficiency rated before she was an Intern at the out patient clinic of Life University. Dr. Bisogna was nominated as 2015 Young Alumna of the Year for Life University as well as 2015 Young Chiropractor of the Year for South Carolina.

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